Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thought summary

Although I haven't completed all the activities here is some feedback on my learning journey....
My favourite discoveries were the vast amount of resources that are available online. One could spend hours and hours (I suppose some do!) surfing through all the tools.
This program will assist me in keeping up to date with what tools are available and what people are using.
What surprised me was all the available tools!
To improve the program, a little more time on each activity would be handy. 2-3 weeks for some, just so I can get a handle on them before the next activity. Life is very busy and there is a lot of information to take in!
Yes, I would participate in another discovery program.
My learning experience was challenging but enlightening!Thank you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I created an activity in ARED as a 'sequence steps in a process', but when I got to the 'select a text alternative file' I couldn't select a file. All that work just vanished! This is the sort of thing that frustrates me about technology...there are all these different tools which are fairly straight forward to use but sometimes the systems make them unworkable. I don't know enough about it all to be able to troubleshoot the different problems that arise, so end up using what's easy and what works eg. paperbased resources. I know trial and error come into it, but most of the time I don't have the time to perservere.